Friday, July 4, 2008

The thing with the stuff

Last week Thomas asked me, "Mom, have you seen those new kind of shorts with the, you know, the different kind of...not jeans and not silky, but like all the cool boys are wearing?"

Me: "What color are they?"

Thomas: "They come in all colors."

Me: "Are they plaid?"

Thomas: "No. They're just, you know, they have those stripes and they're cool. What's plaid?"

Yesterday I bought him some plaid shorts at Belk (40% off woo hoo), and when I showed them to him after camp, he said, "YES. Those are exactly the ones I wanted." Yeah for mommy mind reading.


Annamarie, when I picked her up at camp: "Lady is at Rubber Chicken's house."

Me: "Huh?" Turns out Lady is a horse she liked last year at camp, who has been retired. Rubber Chicken is a counselor. What were his parents thinking?

Annamarie: "Rubber Chicken asked if I had a fence in my yard and I said yes and he said maybe I could bring Lady home because I love her. So you should call Libby about it."

Thomas: "MOM, TELL HER SHE CAN'T HAVE A HORSE IN THE BACKYARD!" We do indeed have a fenced-in backyard, which covers about half of our one-third of an acre lot. It's great for the dog, but I believe the homeowners' association specifically prohibits livestock.

Me: "I'm sorry, sweetie, we can't have a horse in our yard."

Annamarie: "If we had a barn would you let me?"

Me: "Of course."

Thomas: "That's not fair!"

My life is filled with nonsense conversations.

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