1. Scrappy mail! Several months ago Donna Downey created this fabulous fabric album which made me gasp with delight. You know I love me some mini-albums. She made kits available on her site (seriously though, Donna, $55?!?), but noted that the stamps she used were no longer available. I was crushed. Without them my album wouldn't be as cute as hers. The stamps had been a CK kit of the month and had sold out. Naturally their unavailability kindled a burning acquisitive desire in me. I did find several sets on eBay, selling for three and four times their original price of $29.95. To make a long story short because your yawning makes it clear that this is only fascinating to me, I waited it out and finally was able to buy them for the original price. My only concern now is where I am going to store these things. There are a lot of them and the border stamps are 12 inches long. I can't wait to use them!
2. After a meeting at church I was stopped by a friend who gave a lead on a new small private school that might be a good match for Annamarie. So far the only drawback is that driving the two kids to different schools in different counties would mean 180 miles of driving every day.
3. I heard from a very dear old friend that I haven't spoken to in 20 years. We have known each other our whole lives, and his dad baptized me when I was a baby (he was our pastor, so he was qualified to do that). He and I became good friends through our church youth group and oh my soul do I have good memories of those times. I am so excited to catch up with him.
4. I should have given this one top billing. Thomas had a wonderful day and cleaned the entire kitchen on a whim while I was chatting with my old friend via email. He did a great job and seriously, this news is about as unlikely as hearing from someone after 20 years.
Too bad ALL days can't be that good! And holy mackeral! Those are some big stamps.
Send Thomas to my house. My kitchen is in desperate need of his assistance. :)
Hey, I had a similar highlight...Mike did most of the laundry yesterday! Plus he even folded some of it instead of just dumping it on the bed. :)
(my little witch is on ebay as of yesterday. i wasn't sure if you were on my mailing list)
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